Saturday, 10 February 2018

Stash Busting

One of the goals I have set myself this year is to stash bust!  Like all yarnies I have yarn hidden all over the house, it seems to be a compulsion to get yarn and more yarn.  Non yarnies shake their heads in bewilderment when we say we need to get more yarn for a new project as we haven’t got what we need.  They just don’t get that we must have that particular colour that is floating around our heads.  But, we all get to a point where we say ‘enough is enough”, usually when we have bought some yarn and then discover it is lurking in our stash!  I have reached that point. 
I thought hard and long about why my previous efforts to stash bust have failed miserably.  I realised that am a colour geek and I have to  fit that fact in my  projects.  It is no good say that I will do a new project using my stash it will fail!
For example, I had 3 attempts to make Around the Bases but each failed, I put it doe to a failure within me as it certainly was not the pattern as it was awesome.  I realise now that I was trying to fit in colours that I wasn’t entirely convinced about.  Strangely enough when I look at the now they are okay, but I have no desire to carry on. 

At this stage I was happy.

Here I hated it so it never got any further, perhaps one day I will frog it back and use colours I like instead of trying to fit colours in from my stash.  I think half of the problem is that my stash is bits and pieces and when a project gets to a certain size, I am at a loss.  When I went out and bought specific colours for this project it was a success and I love it.

So, how does this realisation help me get rid of the stash.  I have to tank Zelna Olivier of Zooty Owls Crafty blog. (
She is making stash blankets for charity using multiple strands of yarn in magic balls and links to how to do the magic knot.  A clanging bell went off.  So the long and short of it I am doing the same, but first I thought of making rugs for the bathroom and bedroom using linen stitch.

For the bedroom

For the bathroom  

And even a stash basket which was a CAL in the Our Happy Cal Place group on Ravelry.

I am so happy I now can buy yarn for new projects and not feel so guilty as the projects use yarn up so quickly.  Win, win all around.