Friday, 3 April 2020

Interesting things

I thought that on Saturdays I will list some interesting blogs  and videos and articles that I have come across during the week.

1. Gardening
 First two videos are from two channels that I follow on U Tube. They have totally  opposite methods of gardening, the  first is by Charles Dowding the no-dig guru from Great Britain.

The second is from Bealtaine Cottage, a Permaculture woodland garden.  Her channel also documents her life, while I do not subscribe to all her views, she talks a lot of sense and lives a life style I would like to emulate, and she did it all by herself on a shoestring budget.

 2.  Some blogs that have good resources on living the simple life - 

Down to Earth Blog Australian Rhonda  Hetzel has plenty of resources for making your own laundry powder, recipes, you name it. 

In similar vein, is American Jane of Hope and Thrift Blog, who also has good advice for people wanting make themselves self sufficient. Plus recipes etc.  

With both you need to look at past post, just click on the topic you are interested in in the Label section on the side bar.

3.  An interesting article

Guardian  UK Starting a daily routine advice from 4 people - a polar scientist, a monk, a solo sailor and and a Scottish Islander 

4.  Something to bring a smile

A covid version  of Doh Re Mi, very cleverly done.
Also I have just discovered that she has done a version of My Favourite Things. Look out for it.



  1. Thanks for all the links! The gardening ones sound very interesting.

  2. It was so good to see Jane back again, and the people who live on the small island off the Scotland coast, they would have to be resourceful all year round. Love the DoReMi version, very well done and a delight to listen too. We have sunshine this morning, as daylight savings finishes for now, my own time clock had me waking up early as usual, maybe I will get more done. I always think that is such a silly saying, as daylight is only as long as nature allows it to be. Take care,a friend brought me, dropped them off on the concrete driveway, TWO bottles of gold, the pale blue topped milk, 3 litres each. I was almost jumping for joy, as for days there had only been the dark blue tops, and I cannot use that myself. So one in the fridge, and the other frozen in litre plastic containers.What delight we now have in the most ordinary grocery items, her grandchildren delighted in a spaghetti and cheese toasted sandwich,. XXX

  3. Thanks for the smile today, Sharon! Wish I had a known about no-dig gardens back when I started 40 years ago! Have a fantastic day!


  4. Hope you are keeping well, Sharon. Just checking. :)
