Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Day 6

Cant believe it is nearly a week since we went into Lockdown.  I am coping well with the isolation, but I know some people are struggling. It seems to be the people with family close by and who have been in the habit of seeing them regularly.  I have always liked my own company and often have thought I could easily be a hermit.  But even I have struggled, I guess its because we have to and being a contrary sort of person, I dont like being told, lol.  I guess thats why I restarted blogging again, it makes be feel that I am connected to the world.  I have noticed that a lot of the people I followed in the past are either posting more or like me started to blog again.

 I got out some crochet today, I havent crocheted for months, I think in the summer the garden replaces it.  The above was a crochet along I was doing last spring, but fell by the wayside as the weather warmed up and I got stuck into the garden.  The pattern has it turning into a square, but I seriously like it in the round as it makes it ideal for the armchair in the alcove from the lounge.  So I think I will do a few more rounds and call it a day.

Its been raining again today, isnt it funny how we can go on about wanting rain when  we are in a drought and then after a few days of constant rain we are wishing for sunny skies again! 

I have  decided to pick the grapes as the birds are starting to make inroads on then and the rain might lead to that moldy thing they get.  I think I will make some grape cordial and some grape jelly.

For lunch today, I made chicken risotto, using the packet stuff, there will be enough for lunch tomorrow or the next day too.  For supper I had tuna pita pockets, of course the cats had some tuna as well, they have been curled up on my bed nearly all day. 

 Here is something that made me chuckle but is so true!

Well thats it for today, be safe and be kind 
Sharon and the girls.


  1. Oh my goodness, Sharon, how have you been? Nice to see you blogging again. Several people wrote and asked me to post something, so I started again too. That's a beautiful throw you crocheted. Love the colors and very boho. Love the quote at the end of your post!


  2. Wow Jane I was just commenting on your post and came back here and you had left a comment. I really enjoyed your post keep it up! Besides a bit of bronchitis I am in a good place these days. Retirement helped my health, less stress I suppose.

  3. Hi Sharon, I saw you on Jane's blog, where are you in NZ? We are not venturing to the shops either, Hugh is over 80, I will reach that in July, a long time friend will be 80 on Saturday, and her family in UK, north of Cairns and Brisbane cannot come over,. Our garden is small, but still gives greens, the courgettes are doing well, this is the second lot of plants, lettuce, spinach, and celery and silver beet, all good to have straight from the garden. We are in the Rangitikei, family are in Rotorua and south of Dunedin, so phone calls and txts have to suffice for some time. I think the 4 weeks will extend, as more cases appear, and we are advised not to throw anything over the hedge to a neighbour. Guess it too could be contaminated. We have a wonderful friend doing the grocery shopping and from now on hope the pharmacy will do a delivery.Too complicated to get on a grocery delivery now.Take care, keep on with any handwork, good for body and mind, and at the end, a beautiful item to treasure.

    1. Hi Nancy, I am in the Wairarapa. All my family are in Australia, Canberra and Western Australia Perth and Rockingham. I am not in the 70 plus bracket but still need to self isolate as I am a chronic suffer of bronchitis and have asthma. I gave some figs to my neighbour hope they washed them, I never thought of that. I also have a friend who offered to shop for me and my neighbour on one side who kept to herself except for a odd wave, actually knocked on my door on the last day before lockdown and offered to do any shopping! She is an essential worker - resthome. this crisis is bringing back the old values we had for sure. Stay safe.

  4. Your crocheted blanket is beautiful! I love the colors and the pattern and it is way more advanced than anything I could crochet! Glad you are getting some rain, but, yes, I know just what you mean about longing for rain and then, when it rains for several days, thinking that's enough! LOL. The enforced staying at home can be a bit trying, but, we all need to do it, don't we? Hang in there! This too shall pass.

  5. Thank you Bless, I envy you your knitting, I am very slow and still have a pair of socks on the needles from last year, mind you its my first pair and I am having trouble with the heels. It is sunny today and and I am feeling much better about self isolation, I can get in the garden - Yay. yes it will pass but I think the world will be different.
