Monday, 13 April 2020

Its Real!

Hi sorry to be absent for the lat week or so.  I have had a reminder how real and deadly this virus is, a very close lifelong friend in France passed away from Covid-19  last week, it has hit me hard.  Because we have had so few cases here (1300 approx and 5 deaths) it didn't seem real, being at the bottom of the world tends to make us rather insular!  My friend was a  type 1 diabetic, late 60's but otherwise healthy.  This post is for him, thanks for the good times we had.

I hope to get back to normal blogging later today or tomorrow and also to catch up on your posts as well.


  1. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your friend, Sharon. (((HUGS))) Yes, it is very real, unfortunately.

  2. So sorry, Sharon.

