Thursday, 16 July 2020

Technology, argh!

I have been trying to  post all week!  Its either my computer or the internet connection, I keep getting cut off, very frustrating, so if I haven't commented on your blog I apologize.  Sometimes when I try to leave a comment a box comes up saying that Firebox would not allow me to do the comment. but when I go to another blog there is no problem?!  Perhaps I should switch to Chrome?  What platform do you use?  I realized last night what the problem with my internet could be, the last two weeks have been school holidays and we have continual rain, so think of all those video games..... I got up at 3 am this morning and tried  the internet then and no problem....overload. They are back to school next week I will see how it is then, fingers crossed.

Any hows, all of this has made me think how reliant we are on  technology and in particular the internet - our banking, shopping, appointments are made online.  We use to have a choice, post  or telephone or physical visits, but that is changing and made more rapid with covid-19. For a lot of utilities you get a surcharge if the bill is posted out to you and another if you pay in person or by cheque. Soon you wont be able to that as local banks are phasing out cheques. Is this process being carried out in other countries besides NZ and Australia?

It is kind of scary in a way, as we can be held hostage in all manners of ways.  There was a story this week where a real estate rental company that operates both in NZ and Australia had data hijacked, they tended to use drivers licenses as ID and copies were stored online and this hacker was able to access them so thousands were vulnerable to identity theft.  Then there was the cyber attack by a certain country on Australian governmental agencies because they didn't like the Australian government challenging them.  Then there's the thought what if the internet fails completely all that stuff saved in the cloud!  I know people who have all their precious baby photos stored in the cloud and when I mention that they should have some hard copies they look at me as if I come from the ark, lol! I am just as bad, as I have all of my crochet patterns and recipes stored  either on my computer or online.  So I am going to make hard copies, am I crazy? I don't think so, its better to be save than sorry.

Its hard to believe that the internet has only been around about 30 years or so, while there are many advantages that are awesome, there is a dark side and I think we should be mindful of that.  Sometimes I long for time when we didn't have it, life was simpler then.  BUT it has intertwined with our psyche so much we would have severe withdrawal symptoms!  Its a bit like being between a rock and a hard place.

 I might not be able to crochet or knit very comfortably but I can sort my cottons and wool out.  I have bought some large plastic bins and will store them in these instead of being stuffed behind an armchair!  Lucy wont be happy as she likes to make a nest amongst the bags.

Lucy will have to revert to napping in any box that comes her way.

 That is Peggy Sue getting interested in the box too, No room for her! I had bought some baby houseplants and the nursery put them in the box and as you can see she was in it before my back was turned.  Also you can  see that I have a paint tester and colour cards, I guess I am going to paint my lounge and bedroom, probably in the spring.  They look yellow there but actually are more of a lime green.  This photo was taken in February so you can see it a long term project.LOL!

It is raining again today, so its a stay indoors day, think I will do some baking and make a casserole for dinner.



  1. Hi Lucy, it's Dancer, here. I'm happy to see you and yes, we do look alike, don't we? I prefer to nap on a bed instead of in a box, though. I like the internet because it allows me to visit with people all over the world!

  2. Hear you on the computer problems, Sharon. If it weren't for my in-house computer expert (my son) I'd have to give up along time ago on blogging.

    Yep, how we've come so dependent on all things "computer" is scary. Kind of got a jolt of reality a few months back when our bank went to a new system and we couldn't get on-line for a week and the physical bank was closed because of covid. Yikes!

    Cats are sweet. It's amazing how quickly the become the lords and ladies of the manor. We should all have such lives! Hope it stops raining for you soon!

