Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Day 6

Cant believe it is nearly a week since we went into Lockdown.  I am coping well with the isolation, but I know some people are struggling. It seems to be the people with family close by and who have been in the habit of seeing them regularly.  I have always liked my own company and often have thought I could easily be a hermit.  But even I have struggled, I guess its because we have to and being a contrary sort of person, I dont like being told, lol.  I guess thats why I restarted blogging again, it makes be feel that I am connected to the world.  I have noticed that a lot of the people I followed in the past are either posting more or like me started to blog again.

 I got out some crochet today, I havent crocheted for months, I think in the summer the garden replaces it.  The above was a crochet along I was doing last spring, but fell by the wayside as the weather warmed up and I got stuck into the garden.  The pattern has it turning into a square, but I seriously like it in the round as it makes it ideal for the armchair in the alcove from the lounge.  So I think I will do a few more rounds and call it a day.

Its been raining again today, isnt it funny how we can go on about wanting rain when  we are in a drought and then after a few days of constant rain we are wishing for sunny skies again! 

I have  decided to pick the grapes as the birds are starting to make inroads on then and the rain might lead to that moldy thing they get.  I think I will make some grape cordial and some grape jelly.

For lunch today, I made chicken risotto, using the packet stuff, there will be enough for lunch tomorrow or the next day too.  For supper I had tuna pita pockets, of course the cats had some tuna as well, they have been curled up on my bed nearly all day. 

 Here is something that made me chuckle but is so true!

Well thats it for today, be safe and be kind 
Sharon and the girls.

Monday, 30 March 2020

Days 2,3,4,and 5

Well so much for blogging every day!  I have been feeling a bit sick and eventually fronted up to the doc's, what a performance.  I never got to see the doctor but had to go through a triage procedure and the practice nurse diagnosed bronchitis, which I knew anyway.  (I am a chronic bronchitis sufferer,) and as I didn't have a temp, no sore throat, etc, they decided not to test me for covid-19, especially as I have had this cough for a month or more.  Anyway they prescribed antibiotics.  Well the antibiotics made me feel sick but they have improved my chest and I am back to normal for me, with only a coughing fit first thing in the morning which I find my asthma sprays helps.

We have had welcome rain for the last three days, so I guess the drought has ended, it was playing havoc with my garden. But this afternoon it is green again and everything looks lush.

Cant wait to get into it!  My appetite has been lacking, but today I feel like a good meal, so I am planning lamb chops, mash and peas, yum.  I need to get the bread machine out as I am out of bread, I was lucky, as because I stocked up before the panic buying I have flour and yeast.

I have been reading a lot in my lounge with the kitties lolling about here and there.

Thats it for now, I will do better at posting I promise!

So from me and the fur babies Bye bye

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Day 1

Another attempt to resurrect my blog!  New Zealand has gone into lockdown for 4 weeks initially due to the grow of cases of covid19. I have been wanting to start blogging again as I find that Instagram  doesn't quite cut it with me. So, I decided that the lockdown and self isolation would be a great chance to create the habit of blogging.  My intention is to post daily for the duration.

The first thing I noticed is the quiet, no cars! I live in a quiet street but we have a bit of traffic as many use our small street as a shortcut.  It was strange to see cars parked in the driveways on a weekday.Watching the news it seems that NZers on the whole are following the rules, but then its only day 1. I am not sure what will happen when people start to get stir-crazy, as I am a solitary sort of person I think I will be okay, but 4 weeks?  

As I have severe asthma I have been advised that I have to self isolate and so even trips to the supermarket are out.  But I am okay as when it started to get bad in Italy I decided that it would eventually hit NZ and I gradually built up my supplies every week, so I have enough supplies for 6 weeks.  I will be a low on the fresh food, but as I have 2 apples trees, a fig tree and the grape vine producing fruit at the moment and feijoas will be ready soon.  as for veges I have silverbeet (chard), kale, the last of the tomatoes, pumpkins and butternut squash, beetroot, cabbage and celery.  So I will be good.

Today I did household chores - laundry, cleaned the oven and went through one of my food cupboards and threw out out of date food.  I am ashamed to say I had some dried fruit with a best before date of 2017!  I guess I don't eat a lot of dried fruit,lol. For lunch (which is my main meal) I had crumbed fish (hoki) potato and peas with tin peaches for desert.  In the afternoon I made some scones and treated myself to one with strawberry jam and cream. I finished reading a book on my kindle - Book 3 of  The Survivor Chronicles by Erica Stevens. There is the final book, but I am not sure that I want to read it in this present scary world. A bit too close to home! I quite like the Cozy mysteries books as pure escapism, I have several on my kindle that I haven't read yet. They will do when I want to escape the news.

For supper I had a sachet of Thai chicken soup with some bread and a nectarine, then I sat in front of the TV and a couple of programmes. That is more or less it, the first day of lockdowm done and dusted.

I couldn't find Lucy but eventually discovered her hiding in my stash behind the sofa!