It was very chilly this morning but the sun was up, and as I have more or less been housebound over the last week, I decided I would pack a lunch and take a wander around the streets of my town and have lunch at the park and watch the ducks. I also wanted to check out the prices of some appliances - kettle and microwave as mine are very old and starting to be very tempermental! I planned to go to Briscoes, a chain here in NZ that has regular sales. What most people do, is go in, and work out what they want and wait till it is on sale, as their sales have up to 60% off. So it is best to plan ahead and not wait till it is an emergency situation.
So I set off with my thermos of tea and salad sandwich and had an enjoyable meander around
my local area, by the time I reached the park, I was kicking myself as it was crowded, I had forgotten that it was School Holidays. Actually, it was nice to watch the Mums with the kids running around squealing with delight. I found a seat near the lake and watched the miniature train take the kids on a trip across the bridge and around the little island. It was a beautiful sight with the autumn colours and reflections on the water, I would have loved to take photos but desisted as it would have been impossible to get one without kiddies in it and I wouldnt like to put them on the web. So, I will go back next week on the next beautiful day and take some photos.
After having had my lunch I set off for Briscoes (I was on my mobility scooter), by this time I was getting hot as I had put one of new sweaters on. Unfortunately, I had put on a old top that had a hole near the shoulder and I didnt want to sail through town looking like a tramp, so I stayed hot!
Well Briscoes had a marvellous bargain in the kettle line and I decided to buy it there and then as it was a model that I had been eyeing up for a while. It was reduced from $139 to $39! However the microwaves were all full price. As I was making my way to the till with the kettle in my tight embrace, I was stopped in my tracks.
Now, forever I have wanted a proper bench mixer, I have always made do with a hand mixer and a food processor. The last time I had whipped some cream it was agony for my wrists (the RA ). I used to bake cakes for various people as a thank you for the kindness they have showed me. I have hankered after one of these machines for years, but they are so expensive here, anything from $400 to a Kenwood at $800. Were my eyes deceiving me a middle range brand for $199. I looked again yes my eyes were right. I stood there like a stunned mullet. These mixers seldom come on special, I dithered, shall I? Have I got room for it? In the end I succumbed, it would make cooking so much easier, it had all the latest things like a scraper tool and also a dough hook for making bread. Also I would be saving $300!!! It must be the end of the range but what do I care, lol.
Luckily, I had some of those bungee hooks in my basket on the scooter and I managed to attached them to the back basket and back of the seat so the boxes wouldn't fall out. I went home the back way so as not to give people a laugh, Oh why do manufacturers put their products in such big boxes?
I did manage to stop and take a photo of some trees showing the autumn colours, I am so lucky to be living on the edge of the old town. The settlers planted elms, oak trees and other deciduous trees. Newer areas have native trees that don't lose their leaves and stay the same olive green all year round.
Getting home I unpack the boxes, and have a little play. Then I thought I would have a little rest on the sofa, you guessed it I fell asleep and got woken up by two of cats demanding food! For my dinner I reheated the leftovers from yesterday - the barbeque stir fry. My to do list didn't get a look in, but hey that is the joys of retirement, there is always tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day.
I am glad you were able to buy the appliances when they were on sale! Enjoy your new kettle and the mixer! I expect to see lots of cakes and such, made with its aid, in the coming weeks! :)